a few of my favorite things....
i know thanksgiving was like, 4 months ago, but i'm feeling especially greatful right now and wanted to publish a list of my favorites. also inspired by mamlove.blogspot.com to list my faves!
music is a constant favorite and essential in my life. at the momment i'm really into jack johnson (anxiously awaiting his new soundtrack album next tuesday!), MIA (this girl is friggin' innovative and whacked...i love it!), metric (great canadian band...female fronted, bonus!), toots and the maytals (watching too much miami ink reignited my long love for this band), citizen cope (i have mollie mols to thank for that one!)....and probably many many others that i can't think of right now.
since i'm po' i'm diggining through our combined cd collection for some old faves and classics that will never die (think, the clash, elvis costello, beasties) instead of shopping at hmv. the newest cd i got was borrowed cause i'm ghetto. thanks mollie! i will definitely be splurging though next tuesday to pick up jack's new album. can't wait.
television, also a favorite/guilty pleasure (too much of a good thing, y'know?). i'm lovin' miami ink (would love to be tattooed there), the oc, pilot guides - where will they go next!?, ellen (hi-larious) and kenny vs. spenny (random toronto shot show airing on showcase = obscene, graphic, rude and crude...can't get enough)
websites...i'm a blogger now (translate: nerd), so i have to have a few faves. i make a point of checking friends' blogs daily http://molliemunch.blogspot.com/, http://thailisa.blogspot.com/, http://sbegonia.blogspot.com/ and http://mamajade.blogspot.com/ to name a few. also, he's not my friend but i wish he was; pink is the new blog author, trent puts a fabulously hilarious spin on celebrity gossip (or "goss" as he calls it) and updates daily http://pinkisthenewblog.com/
also, let's face it, i couldn't live without www.mail.yahoo.com or hotmail.com gooooooo web based email!
recreation wise, i'm lovin' snowboarding...though not lovin' these conditions. this year has turned out to be a bit of a bust so far and i'm disappointed. nevertheless, getting runs in when i can (the beauty of living 5 mins from blue mtn!). i sort of turn into a bit of a hermit in the winter (if you can even call this weather "winter"!) cause it's cold and dark and unless the sun is out, i'm not comin' out either!
obviously i'm greatful for friends and family too (that goes for the un-blood related family as well). chances are, if you're reading this i think of you often and you inspire me, so thanks!
lastly, here is a my pic o' the week. love it love it love it.

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